LinkedIn post re Biden acting to limit nicotine in cigarettes

“Let me get this straight? The economy is collapsing. Gas, food, housing prices are through the roof..Crime is at the highest level in decades.(especially in Dem led city’s) Marijuna is becoming legal and even encouraged in more and more states….And this galley of jesters, is talking about nicotine in cigarettes?!?!….Please?..The higher powers that be….Please?!..Admit we are living in a simulation..You had your fun toying with the matrix and pushing scenarios that defy logic…..So I beg you…..Stop this insanity!!..🤔🤔🛸👽”

[All content, including typos, retained from the original.]

First, let’s get the facts, starting with the economy.

The economy is slowing, not collapsing. Slowing is a good thing, not a bad thing. Moderate annual economic growth is the sweet spot for all of us.  Growth that is too fast causes inflation, which erodes all of our savings and future purchasing power, not to mention devaluing the dollar, which harms our nation’s ability to negotiate globally.  The current inflation is the result of 1) lots of pent-up demand from the pandemic coupled with high savings and full employment, 2) the war in Ukraine resulting in necessary sanctions on Russia causing low supply of fossil fuels just as that demand is the highest in three years, and 3) COVID pandemic-related disruptions in global supply chains still causing labor shortages along with regional lock-downs. House prices rising is seen by homeowners as a great thing.  Their equity grows and their future purchasing power along with it. Now that rising interest rates are affecting affordability, prices are coming down to meet what buyers can pay.  You can thank the Federal Reserve for their part to play in moderating growth and inflation.  And inflation overall is slowing as people defer purchases because prices are so high.  The market is self-correcting. 

This person’s post seems to infer that Biden (the executive branch of our government) is responsible for fixing the economy in total.  Those of us who believe in a free-market system would rather government stayed out of the economy as much as possible.  It’s actually not possible or preferable that government stay completely out, but let’s let the market work on its own to correct as much as it can, right?  The Federal Reserve’s actions have been exactly what is needed so far, and the law of supply and demand is working its magic to moderate imbalances. 

What should we want from government right now?  I’d say let the Federal Reserve continue to do it’s job, like they have been, and don’t over-react.  Certainly, government should not plan on any additional financial supports.

On to marijuana.

Legalized marijuana has not resulted in noticeable differences in public health and safety in the jurisdictions where it has become legal. It has, however, resulted in that substance no longer being an economical business for drug smugglers. It has also resulted in higher state tax revenues where it’s legal. Not to mention the continuing flow of positive medical findings now that research is possible again.  And the health damage done by nicotine far eclipses the negative health impact of regular marijuana smoking. 

Smoking-related deaths equal nearly a half million people per year 1, or about the same rate of people who died from COVID-related reasons in the last two years.  With that perspective, nicotine is no less important for public health than the pandemic has been.  Biden is acting in response to a national health challenge. 

What about crime rates?

The post’s author says that crime is the highest it’s been in decades, and says cities whose elected officials are largely Democrats are worse.  While there’s been a bump since the low in 2014, the current rate is not that far off the 30-year low:

Violent crime rates per 100K population and annual change rate %
World Bank 2022

What has truly spiked in recent years is the regular pace of mass shootings which are nearly impossible to prevent, it seems.  Legislation to lessen the odds of guns getting into the hands of troubled minds, and to improve mental health care, has finally passed.  But that won’t do it.  The solution requires a whole lot more than gun laws and financial support for therapy. 

Insanity is the appropriate word, which the post’s author pleads to end.  It’s the insanity of fear, caused by a global pandemic and dramatic political inflammation, stoked by people who are making a good living feeding the fear—political marketing and advisory firms, people who make their living fund raising for political action committees, political parties and of course, politicians.

In the midst of chaos, we have to get the facts first.  Reason is more effective than emotion alone, in solving our challenges. 

1 Centers for Disease Control 2022

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