Why would I walk through a brick wall for you?

I’ve worked for leaders who inspired just this kind of commitment, engagement and motivation. I would attempt Herculean achievements for them. It was a pleasure to be in their company. They made me feel respected, foremost. They demonstrated by their behavior and their words that I was needed and important to the success of the organization. And I respected them for what they knew, their skills and their own demonstration of commitment. I noticed that they worked just as hard as everyone else did, including doing the mundane tasks that we all had to do. They filled the stapler and the printer ink when they ran out. They worked on the weekend when everyone else was asked to. They were aware of my breaking point and found ways to reduce pressure when it was important for my health. They fundamentally cared about me as a human being.

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LinkedIn post re Biden acting to limit nicotine in cigarettes

“Let me get this straight? The economy is collapsing. Gas, food, housing prices are through the roof..Crime is at the highest level in decades.(especially in Dem led city’s) Marijuna is becoming legal and even encouraged in more and more states….And this galley of jesters, is talking about nicotine in cigarettes?!?!….Please?..The higher powers that be….Please?!..Admit we are living in a simulation..You had your fun toying with the matrix and pushing scenarios that defy logic…..So I beg you…..Stop this insanity!!..🤔🤔🛸👽”

[All content, including typos, retained from the original.]

First, let’s get the facts, starting with the economy.

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The Ukraine Invasion on a Street Corner in Kensington

Most every Saturday morning, I and a few fellow martial arts practitioners train in the park on Adams Avenue in Kensington. This is our 20th year of weekly practice. After training, we usually go to the Kensington Cafe for coffee and conversation. We have solved a lot of the world’s problems in our Saturday morning conferences. No one pays attention, of course.

Over the years, our Kenpo club has had members from a wide range of backgrounds. China, Norway, Mexico, Poland, Romania and other countries have been represented. The staff and clientele of Kensington Cafe similarly represent a wide diversity of nationalities. This morning, as we checked in at the host stand, we excused ourselves for perhaps getting ahead of another patron. In replying to our apology, she first said that she was only learning English and could not speak very well.

We encouraged her and a conversation ensued.

“Where are you from?” I asked.

She hesitated, looked down at the sidewalk and then said, “I am from Russia.”

russia and ukraine people are not at war
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Peace through Tango

Most of my life has been a pursuit of peace. Even though I’ve had to literally fight to achieve it at times.

A colleague and I were discussing martial arts, after I presented a workshop for his leadership team on constructive conflict resolution using the principles of yin and yang. He looked at me thoughtfully and asked, “You’re a pacifist, aren’t you Stan?” I said, “Yes. But unfortunately, not everyone else is.”

World peace through Tango. You can’t dance and fight at the same time.
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